Fear of blogging

Good evening.

It has been a long time since I wrote. The honest truth is that I was not sure where to start. Or how to say it. Blogs are very personal ... and yet very public. It is not easy to write what you think on a blog. Because "what you think" would obviously be what you think of other people, work, roles, ways of doing business, ways of conducting private life etc etc. And I am not convinced that it is all right to publish your views on the world so blatantly.

Let me give you another perspective to what I am saying. I am an avid reader of Kathy Sierra's blog ... Creating Passionate Users. Recently, I was following her story on abuse posted on her blog and her own fears at having received it. It is crazy to think that someone would do this openly on a forum like a blog!!!!! But this is the effect of the world of personal publishing on the web. Nobody can draw the line on right and wrong. I happen to like Creating Passionate Users. I could have also 'happened to like the abusive aspect' and there was no way to check this.

Wikipedia is also faced with issues caused by this level of democracy. The fundamental truth behind all this is that one cannot be sure that people would use their freedom of expression judiciously.

Authors would not have such a problem. Blogs allow them to publish 'book-like' thoughts and improvise on the material before handing it over to a publisher. From a publisher's perspective, blogs would be a good way to judge the probable popularity of the book. But it is not so for the rest of us who are just writing to express ourselves. Will we always judiciously use our freedom to express ???

I do not really have the answer to this. But I know that I have the urge to express what I am going through and I amd also worried about doing this on a forum as open as a blog. My solution is to write everything I see as a story.

I am going to write.


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