Unable to see the bigger picture?

Okay - I stand corrected. When I last wrote the post on "The good ol' habit of listening" ... I just did not think through my reaction.

I would now like to take back my words: "This would have never happened in Mumbai, in any part of India". I was wrong ... so very wrong. This can happen in India, this can happen in any part of the world. I was witness to this happening in India this week. Only the context was a different one.

I will explain more clearly: In south India, as part of a wedding celebration - there is a custom to arrange for a music recital on the evening after the wedding. The bigger the artist, the higher your rank in society. In the modern day - this live performance is part of the 'reception'. As a result, the artist gets as much attention as did Joshua Bell got at the Washington DC station!!

The lessons here are of a higher order ... as aptly phrased by Guy Kawasaki in his blog. He says, "The lessons that I gleaned from this story are:
  1. Don’t let the absence of trappings and popularity make you believe something is bad.
  2. Don’t let the presence of trappings and popularity make you believe something is good.
  3. Don’t pass by life much less let life pass you by."



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